New Year's 2004

Best New Year's Wishes from Port Orford, Oregon
 - the most westerly incorporated city in the contiguous United States!

2003 was a busy year for the Franconas - Rick spent almost half of the year back in New York with the NBC family of networks as their Middle East military analyst (great for book sales), and Emily toured Oregon presenting her Chautauqua lecture "Demystifying Intelligence."  She continues to serve as a city councilor.  She also did some contract work for the - get this - the United States Navy!  That included a trip to Buenos Aires, of course, it was winter there! 

Rick and grandson Dominic (here 3 years old) while on a visit to his son Mike in Atlanta.  Mike works for Nike in the Atlanta area - hopefully he can arrange some training at corporate headquarters in Oregon!

Mike and Melissa are expecting their second.  So what do/will they call Rick?  Rick prefers Colonel, but it seems that Grandpa Rick is the title of choice.

Sunrise - Christmas 2003
Being on the same latitude as Boston, we have some short days in late December, but the sunrises are usually spectacular.  The sunsets in the summer rival these sunrises as well....

Windsock - April 1, 2003

Windsock - December 1, 2003

The weather was great - a pleasant summer and a really warm Indian summer (84 degrees in October?). The winter storms have just started, but they don't seem to be as intense as last year - knock on wood.  But they still are Pacific storms, as evidenced by the windsock.  We place a new one every April 1 - by Thanksgiving, it usually looks like the photo on the right....

Rick on CNBC

 and on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews

Emily explaining how she really wasn't a spy....
In addition to the NBC/CNBC/MSNBC gig, Rick did some Arabic language consulting work for a defense contractor.  Here he is hard at work in the solarium/office.  Note reading glasses...Arabic text is tough to read on a computer....
Nikki - queen of the castle and oft-time supervisor of Rick at work.

Rick served as president of the Point Orford Heritage Society, which operates the Port Orford Lifeboat Station Museum.  One of the annual activities is the Jerry Can Race - Emily and her teammate Dr Nancy Dowdy are the defending women's division champs (two years running).

Sighting of the Goodyear blimp from the margarita deck

Emily on her Honda Metropolitan

"What swill is this?"
Emily at a Rotary function - she has been named as the next president of the Port Orford Rotary Club.

Sun Valley

Sighting on the Ted Turner Ranch
on a Montana Road Trip

Visitors Emily's mother and 
Mary Jo and Steve Long
Come Visit - or Drop a Line

Rick and Emily Francona
P.O. Box 1421 - Port Orford, Oregon 97465  /